
Photos "A court system which has functioned on autopilot for too long is collapsing under its own weight in the face of an unprecedented drug epidemic, pervasive mental illness and costly and crippling incarceration rates. The failure of the courts to adapt to these changes is reaching crisis stage. My experience makes me uniquely qualified to bring a fresh but seasoned response to these challenges."

View Photos
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The Brown Family: "Daughter in law Merideth with Django, Don, Grace with Charlie, Trinity son Brian and Lily."
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The Campaign Team: "Don, his campaign chair/fiancé Donna and his beautiful granddaugters"
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"Grace thinks Pop pop's jokes are funny. Lily is not so sure."
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Family Trip To Ireland: "Exploring roots on a recent family trip to the Emerald Isle"
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"Don and his son Brian reuniting with cousin James McCarthy in County Kerry."
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Sports Are Fun: "Don and his granddaughters getting in shape to hit the campaign trail."
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"On The Campaign Trail"
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"On the Campaign Trail"

Professional Career


Why I Am Runinng

Donald D. Brown Junior
Donald D. Brown Junior
family and dogs